Buy A Bouquet


Our flowers are freshly harvested from our field for special events and other retail sales during the months of January-October.

Weddings and Events. We book weddings and events year ‘round for dates March-October. Visit our Gallery and Rates pages for more details. A great way to visualize the possibilities for your wedding and help us to create your custom wedding flower arrangements is to visit our field prior to your event. Please contact us to arrange for a visit (these visits are offered exclusively to wedding clients).

Custom Orders and Delivery. We take custom orders January-October, for special occasion and everyday flowers, and also provide delivery throughout Southern Oregon and Northern California including (but not limited to) service to: Ashland, Talent, Phoenix, Medford, Central Point, Sam’s Valley, Rogue River, Grants Pass, Murphy, Cave Junction, Williams, Provolt, Applegate, Ruch, and Jacksonville, Weed, and Mt. Shasta. 

Join our CSA. Shares of the Farm’s flower harvest are available at pick-up sites in Jacksonville, Grants Pass, Provolt, and Williams from January-September.

Mixed Bouquets and Straight Bunches. You can pick up our flowers at these retail outlets over the course of the year, January-September:

Overnight Shipping throughout the Continental US. See our little artisan SHOP for seasonally available options.
